Unlawful Hunting of Wild Birds | A Defense Lawyer’s Viewpoint | The Criminal and Administrative Problems in Washington
Criminal Charges relating to Unlawful Hunting of Wild Birds
We live, fish, and hunt in a heavily regulated State. Do not get caught unaware. There are numerous reasons why someone could be charged with unlawful hunting of wild birds in the second degree, which is a criminal misdemeanor in the State of Washington. For example, not having the appropriate hunting license, or taking more than the permitted amount but less than double, or hunting in a closed area, closed time, or with an illegal method.
If the individual takes more than two times the bag limit while hunting for wild birds, they can face an unlawful hunting of wild birds first degree charge, which is a criminal gross misdemeanor in the State of Washington.
Whether it is a first degree or second degree charge, if the individual also fails to use nontoxic shot, they will face a criminal wildlife penalty of $1,000 in addition to any other fines and court costs which are imposed as a part of a criminal conviction sentence. Furthermore, Fish & Wildlife will suspend the individual’s small game hunting privileges for two years.
As criminal defense lawyers we emphasize awareness that any interaction with government agents on State, Federal or Private Land should be treated as a criminal investigation by the hunter and any others in the party should abide by our opinion on giving statements to any officer when approached. As an old wise hunter once said, “the less said the better.” Just listen, don’t talk and contact the lawyers at this firm as soon as possible.
The consequences of these kinds of charges can be fought and/or mitigated, especially when a competent legal team is engaged early on in the process. Do not get caught unaware and make the situation worse: use experienced, knowledgeable, private representation. Call us.