Motions to Reconsider and Administrative Reviews
Motions to Reconsider and Administrative Reviews. An Attorney | Lawyer’s Prospective When Administrative Personnel or Judges get it Wrong in Washington. Every lawyer or firm with sufficient career experience has had a judge or commissioner for whatever reason simply get it wrong. It happens in the best-prepared cases and is part of the unpredictability of having another…
Read MoreEmergency Orders, Motions and Proceedings
Emergency Orders, Motions and Proceedings. An administrative law attorney | lawyer’s view on handling quick emergency orders, motions and proceedings. In Washington administrative law, administrative agencies will sometimes deem it necessary to act quickly based on a perceived “emergency”, or, sometimes private parties need immediate relief from a administrative agency’s actions. These kind of hearing…
Read MoreWhat is Administrative Law?
What is Administrative Law | A Washington Lawyer’s Prospective. From the perspective of administrative lawyers | attorneys who handle a variety of disputes and litigation with administrative agencies, it is important, in our opinion, to understand what makes administrative law “tick”. Understanding the nature of administrative law takes the anxiety and mystery out of the…
Read MoreWashington State Administrative Agencies
What is a Washington State Administrative Agency | A Lawyer’s Perspective. In Washington, our three branches of government have created a staggering number of administrative agencies. These agencies are generally given the power and authority to write law like the legislature, interpret and apply law like the judiciary and occasionally execute and enforce law like the…
Read MoreWSDH Discipline and Regulatory Activities
Washington State Department of Health | WSDH | The Discipline and Regulation of Health Care Professionals and their Licenses | A Lawyer’s Perspective. From the perspective of lawyers working in the administrative legal system, the Washington Department of Health, WSDH, is simply an enormous administrative agency whose powers and duties are only limited by the authority granted…
Read MoreChemical Dependency Programs and Health Care Professionals
Washington State Department of Health | WSDH | Chemical Dependency Programs and Health Care Professionals | Credentials and Licensing | A Lawyer’s Perspective. As attorneys who practice criminal and administrative law, not only do we help clients who are facing pure administrative actions against their license based on addiction or impairment, we also help clients…
Read MoreSummary Suspensions and Restrictions of a Health Professional License
Washington State Department of Health | WSDH | Credentials and Licensing | Summary Suspensions and Restrictions of a Health Professional License | A Lawyer’s Perspective. If your professional license is summarily suspended, restricted or limited to practice due to allegations of unprofessional conduct or sexual misconduct, your situation is time sensitive and needs immediate attention.…
Read MoreHealthcare Licenses and Administrative Law
Professional Licenses and Administrative Law | A Lawyer’s Perspective. Washington departments, boards, commissions, committees and agencies issue, investigate and administer sanctions for almost all health care professional licenses in the State of Washington. Each of these departments, boards, commissions, committees and agencies utilizes investigative departments, judicial departments and legal departments that are staffed with investigators and/or…
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