Stipulations to Informal Dispositions

Washington State Department of Health | WSDH | Credentials and Licensing | Complaints against Credentialed Health Care Providers and Applicants | Stipulations to Informal Dispositions | A Lawyer’s Perspective In Washington, from an administrative attorney’s perspective, a Stipulation to Informal Disposition is often the first thing a client sees when an investigation by the Department of…

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Healthcare Licenses and Administrative Law

Professional Licenses and Administrative Law | A Lawyer’s Perspective. Washington departments, boards, commissions, committees and agencies issue, investigate and administer sanctions for almost all health care professional licenses in the State of Washington. Each of these departments, boards, commissions, committees and agencies utilizes investigative departments, judicial departments and legal departments that are staffed with investigators and/or…

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Initiating Administrative Adjudicative Actions

Initiating Administrative Adjudicative Actions | An administrative law attorney | lawyer’s view on Initiating Administrative Adjudicative Actions in Washington. For the most part, a Washington administrative government agency, may initiate an adjudicative proceeding against you at any time and visa versa. The initiation of a legal action by an administrative agency can come in the…

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Washington’s Administrative Procedure Act

Washington’s Administrative Procedure Act – Adjudicative Proceeding Timeline.  An administrative law attorney | lawyer’s view on Washington’s Administrative Procedure Act. In Washington, there are numerous different administrative agencies that may attempt to enforce rules and regulations that will impact your business, career, licensures or livelihood.  Whenever your rights could be, or are impacted by actions of…

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Criminal Charges, Convictions and Licenses

Washington State Department of Health | WSDH | Credentials and Licensing | Complaints against Credentialed Health Care Providers and Applicants | Criminal Charges, Convictions and Health Care Licenses| A Lawyer’s Perspective Overview As lawyers and members of a firm who involve themselves in the investigation, litigation and sanction process of the criminal and administrative systems, we know…

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Complaint | Investigation Process

Washington State Department of Health | WSDH | Credentials and Licensing | The Investigation and Report Process for Health Care Professionals in Washington | A Lawyer’s Perspective In the State of Washington, the Washington Department of Health and the various commission and boards handle reports about health care providers. Between 2009-2011, Health Systems Quality Assurance Division of…

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Health Professionals and Licensing Issues

Washington State Department of Health | WSDH | Health Professionals and Licensing Issues in Washington State | A Lawyer’s Perspective. The Washington State Department of Health issues, manages, investigates and sanctions over 75 licensed, registered, and certified health professions either directly, or indirectly though a board, department, committee or commission. As administrative attorneys | lawyers who…

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