Self Defense in Criminal Law
A Criminal Defense Lawyers Prospective on Self Defense in Domestic Violence Cases Our criminal defense lawyers | attorneys have read a lot of police reports and we know that police officers have a limited amount of time to investigate each crime and write their follow up reports. Though officers are supposed to write in all…
Read MoreStress, Work, Relationships and Criminal Law
A Criminal Defense Lawyers Prospective on Stress and Relationships in Domestic Violence Cases There is a common misperception that all cases of domestic violence reflect a larger pattern of abuse by the male perpetrator. As our legal system had a history of ignoring or overlooking male on female violence in the home, so it has…
Read MoreCounseling and Criminal Law
A Criminal Defense Attorneys Prospective on Counseling and Criminal Law In criminal and domestic violence cases, most people look for a criminal defense lawyer | attorney with a bulldog nature because they want the best result possible and believe this must be fought for. Though this is true in some cases, our experience in criminal…
Read MoreIsolated Incidents of Violence in a Relationship
A Criminal Defense Attorney’s | Lawyer’s Perspective on Isolated Incidents of Domestic Violence vs. A Pattern of Conduct In criminal law cases labeled domestic violence, it is important that your criminal defense attorney or lawyer be able to distinguish familial violence that is part of a larger pattern of conduct designed to establish power and…
Read MoreAnger Issues and Domestic Violence
A Criminal Defense Attorney’s Perspective on Anger Issues and Domestic Violence. In criminal law, the label domestic violence covers a whole host of conduct and behaviors in close relationships. That being said, the term domestic violence is traditionally associated with the Duluth Model of Domestic Violence, which is a pattern and cycle of violence perpetrated by…
Read MoreAllegation of Same Sex Domestic Violence
Criminal Defense Lawyer | Attorney’s Perspective on Gay or Lesbian Disputes. The criminal defense lawyers | attorneys in our office have seen a wide variety of assault and domestic violence problems within same sex relationships. The vast majority of our gay and lesbian criminal cases involve relationships disputes getting out of control for a variety…
Read MoreAllegations of Violence Between Roommates
A Criminal Defense Attorneys Prospective on Roommate Disputes, Violence and the Law Many clients and some lawyers are surprised to know that roommate disputes and violence are categorized as domestic violence. This means disputes between roommates can carry the consequences of a traditional domestic violence case and they should be effective at negotiating and addressing the…
Read MoreAllegations of Physical Abuse Against Children
A Criminal Defense Attorney | Lawyer’s view on Investigations and Allegations of Physical Child Abuse. Domestic violence in the form of physical assaults on your child is also commonly called child abuse. Physical assault or abuse on children is treated differently in Washington’s systems of laws than assaults between adults and a reputable criminal defense…
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