Firearm Prohibitions as a Release Condition from Jail
Release Condition from Jail on Misdemeanors and Felonies: Firearm | Gun Prohibitions. A Criminal Defense Attorney’s Prospective When someone is Arraigned on a crime, Release Conditions can include bail, no contact orders and prohibitions on the possession of firearms | guns or other dangerous weapons. Our clients who are avid hunters, members of a police department…
Read MoreAlleged Victim: Can you Remove or Rescind a Criminal No Contact Order?
How and when should an alleged victim ask to remove a No Contact Order entered as part of a criminal case? A Criminal Defense Lawyer | Attorney’s Perspective. As criminal defense lawyers | attorneys, we have seen or represented victims interested in lifting no contact orders and the results have been all over the map,…
Read MoreCriminal No Contact Orders – What Are They?
What is a No-Contact | No Contact Order? Why are they issued? What can be done? A Criminal Defense Lawyer | Attorney’s Perspective. What is a No-Contact | No Contact Order? In the State of Washington, No-Contact | No Contact Orders are orders entered as part of the Release Conditions set by a judge in criminal…
Read MoreConditions of Release from Jail on Misdemeanors and Felonies
Conditions of Release on Misdemeanors and Felonies: A Criminal Defense Attorney’s Prospective At the beginning stage of every criminal charge | prosecution in Washington, a person is arraigned on a criminal charge. Aside from entering a plea of not guilty to the charge(s), the most important thing that happens at an arraignment from a criminal defense…
Read MoreWhy not Plead Guilty Right Away?
Why not Plead Guilty Right Away? A Criminal Defense Lawyer | Attorney’s Perspective. We have spoken with and watched people, some with the best of intentions, who want to plead guilty to a crime right away. Generally, they want to own up to their behavior; or, they simply want an uncomfortable situation over as soon…
Read MoreArraignments on Misdemeanors and Felonies: Being Formally Charged
Arraignments on Misdemeanors and Felonies: A Criminal Defense Attorney’s Perspective on Being Formally Charged What is an arraignment? An arraignment is a formal hearing where a prosecuting attorney formally reads the charges against you or a loved one and a judge decides on release conditions. Arraignments are done day in and day out in courts…
Read MoreArrested on a Warrant? What happens?
Arrest Warrants: What happens next? A Criminal Defense Lawyer’s | Attorney’s Perspective. Occasionally, a prosecutor’s office in Washington State will file a complaint | criminal charge and the court will issue a warrant and no notice will be given to you. Why is a Warrant Issued? Washington court rules have a preference for summoning people to…
Read MoreNo Criminal Charges were Filed. Now what?
What happens if you are arrested or had police contact but no criminal charges were filed? A Criminal Defense Lawyer | Attorney’s Perspective. As criminal defense attorneys, we get variations of this question all the time. People avoid arrest, speak with an officer and are not arrested, or are arrested and taken to jail but…
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